Payton Steffensen’s Official Performance Reel

Payton Steffensen’s Triple Threat Package

Official Dance Reel, “Home” from Beauty and the Beast, and “The Crazy Glue Monologue” by Joseph Arnone

Payton Steffensen’s Official Partnering Reel

Payton Steffensen’s Official Stunt Reel

Payton Steffensen performing in her final showcase at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC (AMDA NY)! Styles include classic MT, acrobatic, jazz, & commercial heels!

Payton Steffensen featured in Jazz, Contemporary, & Precision Style Numbers choreographed by her peers at the AMDA NY!


Payton Steffensen performing a variety of genres!

“Stupid With Love” performed by Payton Steffensen

“Do I Hear A Waltz” featuring Payton Steffensen

Payton Steffensen performing an excerpt of "I Love What I'm Doing" from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes!


Payton Steffensen's self-choreographed Acro/Jazz/Musical Theatre fusion performance winning the talent category at Miss South Dakota!

Self-Choreographed/Improv Contemporary Performance, Celine Dion’s “I Surrender” Performed by Payton Steffensen

“Call Me Back,” Self-Choreographed and Performed by Payton Steffensen to “Model Behavior” from “Women on the Verge…”

Self-Choreographed/Improv Contemporary Performance, Celine Dion’s “I Surrender” Performed by Payton Steffensen